Alexios Kharon
Adriana Dalassene
(Cir 995-Cir 1054)
Anna Dalassene



1. Iohannes Komnea

Anna Dalassene

  • Født: 1025, Konstantinopel Istanbul, Tyrkiet
  • Ægteskab (1): Iohannes Komnea cirka 1042
  • Død: 1102, Konstantinopel Istanbul, Tyrkiet i en alder af 77 år


Anna Dalassene liv

Dalassena . Her parental family is confirmed by Nikeforos Bryennios who records the marriage of "Ioanni" and "filia Charonis Alexii…Anna", stating that her mother was "genus a Dalassenis"[185]. m ALEXIOS Kharon. Prefect of Italy. Alexios & his wife had one child:

a) ANNA Dalassena (-1 Nov [1100/02], bur Pantopopte). Nikeforos Bryennios records the marriage of "Ioanni" and "filia Charonis Alexii…Anna", stating that her mother was "genus a Dalassenis"[186]. The Alexeiad names "Anna Dalassena, the mother of the Komneni" when recording that she arranged the marriage of "the grandson of Botaneiates and the daughter of Manuel her eldest son"[187]. An undated seal records "Anne Dalassène curopalatissa"[188]. Despoina 1048/57. Regent of Byzantium 1081 and 1094-1095. An undated seal records "Anne Dalassène la mère du basileus"[189]. She became a nun at Pantopopte convent which she founded. The typikon of Theotokos Kecharitomenes (dated to [1110]) provides for the commemoration 1 Nov of "ma...despoina, la belle-mère de ma Majesté"[190]. The list of obituaries of the monastery of Christ Philanthropos, founded by Empress Eirene Doukas, records the death 1 Nov of "Annas monaxes tes metros tou basileos"[191]. m ([1042]) IOANNES Komnenos, son of MANUEL Erotikos Komnenos & his second wife --- ([1015]-12 Jul 1067).

  Begivenheder i hendes liv:

1. Bopæl: Konstantinopel Istanbul, Tyrkiet.

Anna blev gift med Iohannes Komnea cirka 1042. (Iohannes Komnea blev født i 1015 og døde i 1067.)

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