Constantine Diogenes
Ukendt Arguros

Romanos IV Diogenes



1. Ana af Alusiane

2. Eudokia Makrembolitissa

Romanos IV Diogenes

  • Født: 1020, Cappadocia Antalia Alanya, Tyrkiet,
  • Ægteskab (1): Ana af Alusiane
  • Ægteskab (2): Eudokia Makrembolitissa
  • Død: 4 Aug. 1072, Monastery on the Island of Prote, Greece Stedet i en alder af 52 år


Romanos IV, Byzantine Emperor liv

Predecesor: Constantino X Ducas Emperador del Imperio Bizantino 1068 - 1071

Sucesor: Miguel VII Ducas


Romanus IV Diogenes ( Roman IV Diogenes Cappadocia? - Proti Island, June 29, 1072) Emperor of Byzantium 1068 to 1071, best known for his defeat at the Battle of Manzikert .

Roman belonged to a distinguished family of Cappadocia, and had distinguished himself as a soldier. He took the throne to marry Eudocia, widow of Constantine X Ducas. He was crowned emperor on January 1, 1068.

After his coronation, directed three successful campaigns against the Seljuks in eastern Anatolia, expelling the east of the Euphrates. In March 1071 began a new campaign with an army of about 60,000 or 70,000 men. He left most of them under the command of his general José Tarchaneiotes, and he, with the rest of the troops, seized the fortress of Manzikert. Shortly thereafter faced the Seljuk army, commanded by Alp Arslan, while Tarchaneiotes, by concentration or cowardice, rather than lending escaped assistance. Romano was defeated and taken prisoner.

He was taken into the presence of Alp Arslan, who ordered him to kiss the ground before him, and symbolically put a foot on the neck. However, after he was treated like a guest, and the Sultan signed a peace treaty, by which Seljuk controlled passing the cities of Manzikert, Hierapolis, Edessa and Antioch, and Byzantium agreed to pay a heavy tribute. After the emperor was released.

However, in Constantinople enthroned conspiracy Miguel, son of Constantine X Ducas and Eudocia. Although Romano tried to gather what was left of his army was defeated Gen. pro Andronicus Ducas, and agreed to give up the throne and retire to a monastery, in exchange for his life was respected. This promise, however, was not respected: he gouged out his eyes and he was carried on a beast of burden for several days. He died on the island of Proti, in a monastery he had ordered built as a result of infection from his wounds, but before his enemy, the chronicler Michael Psellos, wrote a harsh letter congratulating him on his good fortune to have been blinded, as it was surely because God had found worthy of a higher light.

During his reign the Normans conquered Bari, which marked the end of Byzantine presence in Italy.
yderligere gift

  Begivenheder i hans liv:

1. Bopæl: Byzans, Istanbul, , Istanbul, Tyrkiet.

2. Bopæl, 1020, Cappadocia Antalia Alanya, Tyrkiet.

3. Beskæftigelse: Kejser af Byzants, 1068 til 1071. 1

4. Begravelse, 1072, Monastery on the Island of Prote, Greece Stedet. Stedet ikke fundet

Romanos blev gift med Ana af Alusiane, datter af Alusian af Bulgarien og Ukendt. (Ana af Alusiane blev født den 1 Jan. 1025 i Ohrid Makedonien og døde i 1064.)

Romanos blev derefter gift med Eudokia Makrembolitissa. (Eudokia Makrembolitissa blev født i 1021 og døde i 1096.)


1 Romanos IV Diogenes liv. Meget detaljeret livshistorie

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