Friedrich I von Diessen
Kunigunde von Ôhningen
Konrad von Hohenwatt
Berthold II von Diessen
Hidda von Hohenwatt
Otto II von Thanning



1. Adelaide von Regensburg

Otto II von Thanning

  • Født: 1055, Diessen Oberbayern, Bayern, Tyskland
  • Ægteskab (1): Adelaide von Regensburg
  • Død: 24 Apr. 1122, Diessen Oberbayern, Bayern, Tyskland i en alder af 67 år


Otto II, Graf von Wolfratshausen liv


OTTO von Diessen, son of [BERTHOLD [II] Graf von Diessen & his wife ---] (-24 Apr ----, bur [Diessen] St Stefan). Wegener quotes a reference to Otto son of Graf Perhtold dated 16 May 1060[1893]. Graf von Thanning [1073]. Graf von Ambras 1078/1093. Graf von Wolfratshausen 1098/1116. Graf von Diessen 1100/1107. The De Fundatoribus Monasterii Diessenses records the death "VIII Kal Mai" of "Otto comes de Wolfraczhausen maior domus", specifying that he was buried "in…Sancti Stephani…iuxta fratrem suum"[1894]. The necrology of Diessen also records the death "Mar VIII Kal" of "Otto com senior et maior domus, sepultus ecclesia S Stephani, pater Ottonis fundatoris nostri"[1895].

m JUSTIZIA, daughter of --- (-30 Jan ----, bur Thanning). The De Fundatoribus Monasterii Diessenses names "Iusticia cometissa" as wife of "Otto comes senior de Wolfratshausen" and in a later passage records her death "18 Kal Feb" and burial at "Danningen"[1896]. The necrology of Diessen records the death "Feb III Kal" of "Justicia com, sepulta Daniggen, mater Hainrici Ratisponensis ep et Ottonis comitis fundatoris nostri"[1897]. Europäische Stammtafeln[1898] suggests that Justizia was JUSTIZIA von Babenberg, daughter of ERNST Markgraf of Austria [Babenberg] & his first wife Adelheid von Wettin, presumably to explain the transmission of the name Liutpold into the family. According to Wegener, she was the daughter of Luitpold, older brother of Markgraf Ernst, proceeding on the assumption of the need for her father to be named Luitpold as a basis for the name transmission[1899]. It is not certain that such an assumption is correct, and in any case the evidence for this Liutpold having been married is slim. Wegener suggests that Graf Otto [II] married secondly Adelheid, whom he supposes was the daughter of Heinrich [I] Burggraf von Regensburg, and that she was the mother of his children Otto, Heinrich, Adelheid and Elisabeth[1900]. He apparently bases this theory solely on the need to justify the transmission of the name Heinrich into the family, although this name is certainly not unique to the Burggrafen von Regensburg.

Graf Otto & his wife had five children:

1. OTTO [III] von Diessen (-28 May 1122, bur Seeon). The Fundatio cœnobis Dietrammi-Cellæ names "Ottone et Henrico" as the two sons of "comes Otto de Dyessen"[1901]. Graf und Vogt von Tegernsee 1121. Graf von Wolfratshausen 1122/27. He was the co-founder of Kloster Diessen. He became a monk at Seeon zu Baumburg. The Notæ Diessenses record the death "1122 5 Kal Iun" of "Otto comes", specifying that he was later a monk, was "fundator loci istius" and was buried at Seeon[1902]. The necrology of Diessen records the death "V Kal Jun 1122" of "Otto com post m factus fundator loci istius sepultus Sewen"[1903]. The necrology of Admont records the death "V Kal Jun" of "Otto ex com m"[1904]. m LAURITTA, daughter of --- (-[21 Aug or 1 Sep] 1145). The De Fundatoribus Monasterii Diessenses records the death "II Kal Sep" of "Lauritta uxor comitis…Ottonis"[1905]. She is also named "Lauritta cometissa" immediately after "Otto comes", and before the three known children of "Otto comes", in a long list of names linked with the family which is set out in a preceding passage in the De Fundatoribus, which has the appearance of having been copied from an earlier record[1906]. The necrology of Diessen records the death "II Kal Sep" of "Lauritta com fundatrix loci huius mater Ottonis et Heinrici comitum fundatorum nostrum"[1907]. The necrology of Admont records the death "Kal Sep" of "Lauretta com"[1908]. The necrology of Salzburg St Rudpert records the death "Kal Sep" of "Lauritta com"[1909]. Graf Otto [III] & his wife had three children:

a) HEINRICH (-2 May 1158, bur Diessen). "Heinricus comes…mater sua Domina Lauretta Cometissa" donated property to Diessen monastery[1910]. Graf von Wolfratshausen 1132. Vogt von Tegernsee [1140]. Vogt von St Emmeran 1150. The Notæ Diessenses record the death "VI Non Mai" of "Hainricus comes de Wolfratehusin", specifying that he was buried "in capitolio"[1911]. The necrology of Diessen records the death "1158 May VI Non" of "Hainricus com de Wolfratehusin filius fundatoris nostri Ottonis comitis"[1912]. The necrology of Tegernsee records the death "VI Non May 1158" of "Hainricus com de Wolfrathusen advocatus" and his donation of property "in Alrays"[1913].

b) OTTO [IV] (-killed in battle Pavia 10 Nov 1136, bur Diessen). The Notæ Diessenses name "Otto comes iunior…frater Hainrici comes de Wolfratshausen" when recording his death "IV Id Nov", specifying that he was buried "in capitolio"[1914]. Graf von Wolfratshausen 1132. The sources are contradictory concerning the year in which Otto [IV] was killed. The necrology of Diessen records the death "IV Id Nov" of "Otto com iunior Papie sagitta confossus 1127, frater Heinrici comitis de Wolfratshusen filius Ottonis fundatoris nostris sep in capitolio"[1915]. The Annales Admuntenses record that "Otto comes de Diessen" was killed in 1136[1916]. The De Fundatoribus Monasterii Diessenses names "Otto comes frater Hainrici comitis de Wolfraczhausen" when recording his death in 1141[1917]. m --- von Wittelsbach, daughter of OTTO [I] Graf von Scheyern und Wittelsbach, Pfalzgraf of Bavaria & his wife --- von Ratzenhofen. The primary source which confirms her parentage and marriage has not yet been identified.

c) AGNES (-1169 or after). The Vita Gebehardi names "Agnetam filiam Ottonis comitis de Diezen et Wolfrathuosen" as nun at Admont[1918]. Nun at Admont 1127/52. A charter dated to [1130] records donations to Admont by "Otto comes de Wolfrathusen" to "filiam suam domnam Agnetem" when she became a nun[1919]. A charter dated 1152 records "domna Agnes filia comitis Ottonis, fratris episcopi Ratisponensis" as a nun at Admont[1920]. Abbess of Neuburg an der Donau 1165/69.

2. HEINRICH (-11 May 1155, bur Regensburg). The De Fundatoribus Monasterii Diessenses names "Hainricum episcopum Ratisponensem" as one of the children of "Otto comes senior de Wolfratshausen" and his wife Iusticia[1921]. Deacon at Bamberg 1124. Bishop of Regensburg 1132. The De Fundatoribus Monasterii Diessenses records the death in 1155 of "Hainricus Ratisponensis episcopus, filius comitis Ottonis" and in a later passage his burial in Regensburg[1922]. The necrology of Diessen records the death "1155 May V Id" of "Hainricus Ratisponensis eps frater Ottonis fundatoris nostri"[1923].

3. LIUTPOLD (-19 Feb ----, bur St Stefan). The necrology of Diessen records the death "Mar XI Kal" of "Liupoldus com, sepultus in ecclesie S Stephani protomartyris, frater Ottonis fundatoris nostri"[1924].

4. ADELHEID (-11/12 Jan 1126, bur Kastl). Wegener cites the Kastler Reimchronik naming Adelheid von Wolfratshausen as the wife of Graf Berengar[1925]. Some indirect corroboration of a connection between the Grafen von Sulzbach and the Grafen von Wolfratshausen is found in the De Fundatoribus Monasterii Diessenses which inaccurately names "Richentzam Lotharii imperatoris uxorem et Mariam imperatricem Grecorum" as daughters of "Ottonis de Wolfarthausen"[1926]. Some creative interpretation of this text is required: firstly, that it confuses the wife of Emperor Lothar and his successor Konrad III King of Germany (the latter being married to a daughter of Berengar Graf von Sulzbach); secondly, that "Mariam" is an error for "Bertam" the name of another daughter of Berengar Graf von Sulzbach who was married to Emperor Manuel I; and thirdly, that it omits reference to the intervening generation of the daughter of Graf Otto. The necrology of Tegernsee records the death "II Id Jan" of "Alhaidis comitissa de Sulzpach"[1927], the Liber Oblationum recording the death "III Id Jan" of "Alhaidis com de Sultzbach sor nra" and her burial "in capitolio nostro"[1928]. The necrology of Salzburg St Rudpert records the death "III Id Jan" of "Adelheit com"[1929]. m as his second wife, BERENGAR [I] Graf von Sulzbach, son of GEBHARD [II] Graf von Sulzbach & his wife Irmgard von Roth (-3 Dec 1125, bur Kastl).

5. ELISABETH . Wegener refers to Walchoun von Eulenschwang being the son of the sister of Heinrich Bishop of Regensburg[1930]. m BERNHARD von Eulenschwang, son of ---.

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  Begivenheder i hans liv:

1. Bopæl: Diessen Oberbayern, Bayern, Tyskland.

Otto blev gift med Adelaide von Regensburg. (Adelaide von Regensburg blev født i 1066 og døde i 1119.)

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