Nichlas Askelund*
Maria Johanna Askelund*
Olaus Askelund*



1. Ane Margreta Liljelund*

Olaus Askelund*

  • Født: 27 Apr. 1753, Karlskrona, Sverige
  • Ægteskab (1): Ane Margreta Liljelund*
  • Død: 1 Feb. 1804, Karlskrona, Sverige i en alder af 50 år

   Dødsårsag: Tærende sykdom.


Olafus Askelund liv

Livnæret seg som koffardikaptein, mer forståelig som en kaptein på et handelsskip.

Patrick Rotheram forteller:

Ole Askelund was baptised at the Karlskrona Amiraletsförsamling on 27 April 1753. Ole became a merchant ship captain. He married Anna Margareta Liljendal and they had three children living at the time of his death in 1804: Nicolas, Elizabet Johanna Askelund (1782-1808) and Margareta Beate Askelund (1788-1812) . There was another daughter Helena Margareta Askelund born in 1784 , but she seems to have died by then.

Ole Askelund died at Karlskrona in February 1804 of 'wasting disease' and his wife Margareta died of tuberculosis two months later in April 1804 . The probates and the inventories made on the death of Ole and Margareta still exist at the Karlskrona District Court . The inventories contain a detailed list of their possessions. Ole's estate was valued at 740 riksdaler and Margareta's at 812 riksdaler. The riksdaler was a silver coin weighing 25 grams. At present-day silver prices their estates were worth about £12,000. It is difficult to relate this to 1804 standards of living; Ole and Margareta had plenty of possessions around their house, but overall their wealth was probably quite modest. By contrast the estate of Johannes Askelund, the sailor who also died in 1804, was just 61 riksdaler.

Ole and Margareta's son Nicolas Askelund was born in 1781 at Karlskrona and baptised in the City Church (Stadsförsamling) on 23 July . Ole's sister Uldrika was one of the witnesses.


  Begivenheder i hans liv:

1. Beskæftigelse: Koffardikaptajn i Karlskrona.

2. Bopæl: Karlskrona, Sverige.

Olaus blev gift med Ane Margreta Liljelund*. (Ane Margreta Liljelund* blev født i 1756 og døde den 1 Apr. 1804.)

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