Peder Christian Stochholm*
Mette Pedersdatter*
Jens Vissing Stochholm
Albertine Emeranga Turnell

Carl George Stochholm



1. Marguerite Penfield

Carl George Stochholm

  • Født: 4 Mar. 1897, Wisconsin USA
  • Ægteskab (1): Marguerite Penfield
  • Død: 14 Apr. 1996, Contra Costa, California, USA i en alder af 99 år 1


Carl Stockholm, born March 4, 1897, United States, and died April 14, 1996 in River Forest (Illinois), was a cyclist. He started his career as a sprinter, then became a six-day runner.

Carl Stockholm, a Chicago West Side favorite, won the Chicago Six Days in 1923 with a broken collarbone. Capitalizing on his fame, he became the owner of a chain of dry cleaning stores, bearing his name, in Chicago1.

In 1957, Carl Stockholm and other former champions were recruited to spice up a racing program at the International Amphitheatre. A Chicago Tribune reporter noted, "Vintage stood inside the oval, staring brightly as retired fire horses, as they watched Chicago's first Six Days since 1948."

Six Days of Chicago (with Ernest Kockler)
Six Days of Chicago (with Franco Giorgetti)

The Christian Arm of the Navy

Three Naval officers and two oivilíans have been selected to receive the Navy League's annual National Awards for special meritorious service to the Nation in 1963, it was announced today by former Secretary of the Navy William B. Franke, Chairman of the Awards Board, and Robert H. Barnum, National President of the Navy League,
The awards, to be presented at the League's National Convention in Dallas, Texa May 19-22, are as follows:
THE JOHN PAUL JONES AWARD FOR INSPIRATIONAL LEADERSHIP to Admiral Claude V Ricketts, USN, the Vice Chief of Naval Operations, Navy Department, Washington, D C
THE STEPHEN DECATUR AWARD FOR OPERATIONAL COMPETENCE to Vice Admiral Thomas H. Moorer, USN, Commander of the SEVENTH FLEET in the Pacific.
THE REAR ADMIRAL WILLIAM S. PARSONS AWARD FOR SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL PROGRESS to Rear Admiral Denys W. Knoll, USN, Oceanographer of the Navy, Naval Oceanographic Office Suitland, Maryland.
THE ALFRED THAYER MAHAN AWARD FOR LITERARY ACHIEVEMENT to George Fieldlng Ellot, 1175 York Avenue, New York, New York.

THE ROBERT M. THOMPSON AWARD FOR OUTSTANDING CIVILIAN LEADERSHIP to Carl G. Stockholm, former National President of the Navy League, 216 N.Pulaski Road, Chicago, Illinois

The awards were established in 1957 to honor annually those individual have made outstanding oontributions to the Navy during the preceding year.

  Begivenheder i hans liv:

1. Beskæftigelse: Cykelrytter (deltager i 6-dages løb).

2. Bopæl, 1900, Eau Claire city, Eau Claire, Wisconsin, USA. 2

3. Bopæl, 1910, Benton, Lake, Illinois, USA. 3
Illinois, USA Denne begivenhed blev delt med Jens Vissing Stochholm, som også delte den med Albert Emery Stochholm (1890-1967) (Beboer), Albertine Emeranga Turnell (1871-1913) (Beboer), Alice Cecilia Maria Stochholm (1892-1988) (Beboer), Carl George Stochholm (1897-1996) (Beboer), Dora Chatrina Stochholm (1893-1986) (Beboer), Edward Stephen Stochholm (1908-1981) (Beboer), Ester Anne Stochholm (1899-1986) (Beboer), Margeritha Stochholm (1905-) (Beboer), og Mary Wolmsley Stochholm (1902-) (Beboer)

4. Bopæl, 1910, Benton, Lake, Illinois, USA.

5. Værnepligt: Sergent under 1. verdenskrig, 1914-1918.

6. Bopæl, 1920, 1940 Ferdinand Street, Chicago, Illinois, USA. 4

7. Beskrivelse: Pasansøgning, 20 Jul. 1920. 5

8. Indvandring: Hjemkomst fra England (Ellis Island), 29 Aug. 1920. 4

9. Cykelpræmie, 1927.

10. Bopæl, 1935-1940, 5915 W Washington Blvd, Cook, Illinois, USA. 6

11. Beskæftigelse: Commander, 1939-1940.

12. Beskæftigelse: Proprietær Retail Cleaner (Detail vaskeri), 1944.

13. Bopæl, 1 Nov. 1995, 2 Triple C Ranch Rd, San Anselmo Californien USA. 1

14. Bopæl, 1996, 1840 Tice Creek Dr, Apt 2224, Walnut Creek USA. 1

Jens Vissing Stochholm familieportræt

Carl blev gift med Marguerite Penfield, datter af Harold Cassanova Penfield og Anna Cathryn Bullwinkel. (Marguerite Penfield blev født den 5 Jan. 1914 i Ohio USA 7 og døde den 6 Jan. 2002.)


1 Myheritage, Myheritage. Surety:

2 Folketælling 1900 Eau Claire, Wisconsin, USA, Folketælling 1900 Eau Claire, Wisconsin, USA. Fra MyHeritage. Surety:3 .... Myheritage, Myheritage. Surety:

3 Folketælling 1910 Benton, Lake, Illinois, USA, Folketælling 1910 Benton, Lake, Illinois, USA. Fra Myheritage. Surety:3 .... Myheritage, Myheritage. Surety:

4 Carl Stochholm Rejse 1920, Carl Stochholm Rejse 1920. Fra FamilySearch
Hjemkost Ellis Island fra
England. Surety:3

5 Carl Stochholm Pasansøgning 1920, Carl Stochholm Pasansøgning 1920. Fra FamilySearch. Surety:3 .... Family Search generelt, Family Search generelt. Surety:2

6 Folketælling 1940 Cook, Illinois, USA, Folketælling 1940 Cook, Illinois, USA. Fra MyHeritage. Surety:3 .... Myheritage, Myheritage. Surety:

7 Folketælling 1940 Cook, Illinois, USA, Folketælling 1940 Cook, Illinois, USA. Fra MyHeritage. Surety:3

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