Siegfried im Moselgau*
Hedvig von Nordgau*

Friedrich I in Moselgau und Lutzelburg*



1. Irmtrud von Gleiberg*

Friedrich I in Moselgau und Lutzelburg*

  • Født: 965, Moselgau, Upper Franconia, Bavaria, Tyskland
  • Ægteskab (1): Irmtrud von Gleiberg*
  • Død: 6 Okt. 1019 i en alder af 54 år


Friedrich in Moselgau liv

Because of problems with identification, Frédéric is a rather obscure individual, and the region over which he was count cannot be identified with certainty. Even though he often appears in secondary sources with the title "count of Luxemburg", there does not seem to be any record which would justify this title. Frédéric appears with the title of count in 996 as a witness to a charter of Bertha, widow of count Volkmar ["Friderich comes" Wampach (1935), 293 (#207)]. Frédéric appears as advocate of Stavelot-Malmedy in 1004, signing a document also witnessed by counts Henri and Giselbert, probably his brothers ["... Fridericum ipsius advocatum loci, Heinricum comitem, Giselbertem comitem, Godefridum ducem, ...", Cart. Stavelot-Malmedy 202 (#93); Wampach (1935), 307 (#217)]. Depoin would make him count of Castrice, based on an act of Heinrich II at Utrecht on 5 May 1005 ["... Frederici dilectissimi comitis ..., ... in villa que nuncupatur Duncherio sita in comitatu predicti Frederici comitis qui vocatur Castrinsis, ..." MGH DD H II, 120-1 (#96); Depoin (1904), 507]. Wampach stated that it is unlikely that this was Cunégonde's brother, and identified count Frédéric of Castrice with the son of Godefroid of Verdun of that name [Wampach (1935), 317 (#225)]. The claim that Frédéric was count in Moselgau is not directly documented, but is based on fact that his son Henri was count there before the death of his uncle of the same name [Wampach (1935), 317 (#225), 28 January 1026 " pago Mueslechowe in comitatu vero Henrici filii Friderici, ..." 328 (#234); Vannerus (1947), 819]. In the period from 1008 to 1019, there are some appearances of a count Friedrich of Hessengau, i.e., at Ingelheim on 24 May 1008 ["... Heinricus divina favente clementia rex. ... coniugus nostre Cunigundae videlicet reginæ sibi quandam nostrae proprietatis cortem Cassellam dictam sitam in pago Hessia in comitatu vero Friderici comitis, ..." MGH DD H II, 216 (#182)], Frankfurt on 26 January 1015["in villa Búnon in pago Hessigouue in comitatu vero Friderici comitis ..." MGH DD H II, 416 (#329)], and Paderborn in 1019, "... in loco qui dicitur Uuolfesanger in pago Hassia in comitatu Frederici comitis ..." MGH DD H II, 527 (#412); also, a false charter allegedly at Allstedt, 4 May 1019, "in pago Hassia sitas in comitatu Friderici comitis ..." MGH DD H II, 521 (#406b)]. Since Frédéric's wife was from that general region, and the chronology seems to fit well, he could be the same as the Hessengau count, but that is not certain. [See, e.g., Wolf (1998), 46 (for the Hessengau identification); Jackman (1997), 202-3 (against the identification)]

  Begivenheder i hans liv:

1. Bopæl, 965, Moselgau, Upper Franconia, Bavaria, Tyskland. Stedet ikke fundet

Friedrich blev gift med Irmtrud von Gleiberg*. (Irmtrud von Gleiberg* blev født i 970.)

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