Raoul Roscelin de Beamont
Eremburgis de Belesme Creil Maine
Etienne de Montevrault
Raoul de Beamont
Emma de Montevrault
Raoul de Beamont



1. Agatha de Vendôme

Raoul de Beamont

  • Født: 1038, Beaumont, Puy-de-Dome, Frankrig,
  • Ægteskab (1): Agatha de Vendôme
  • Død: 1095, Beaumont, Puy-de-Dome, Frankrig, i en alder af 57 år


About Raoul V "Payen" de Beaumont liv

vicomte de Lude et de Montevrault

From The Foundation for Medieval Genealogy ("MedLands"):

"Payen" de Beaumont (-1095 or after) [son of RAOUL [IV] de Beaumont and EMME de Montevrault]. A charter dated 1071 records that "Radulfus vicecomes filius vicecomitis Radulfi de Lusdio" took property from Marmoutier and that he and "ipse uxor sua Agathes" were paid not to take more[584]. Vicomte de Lude, Vicomte de Montevrault. "Radulfus vicecomes et uxor eius Agatha" witnessed the charter dated to [1077] which records the settlement of a dispute between La Trinité de Vendôme and "Herveo castelli
Lavarzini domino"[585]. "Radulfus vicecomes" confirmed donations in his fief to La Trinité de Vendôme, with the consent of "Agatha uxore sua, filia Fulconis comitis Vindocinensis", by charter dated 5 Jan 1079[586]. A charter dated 28 Oct 1084 records the reparations made by "comes Burchardus filius Fulconis Vindocinensis" to La Trinité de Vendôme for a judgment against the abbey,
witnessed by "Radulfus vicecomes, Fulcherius de Fractavalle, Paganus de Montedublello…"[587]. m (before 1071) AGATHA de Vendôme, daughter of FOULQUES Comte de Vendôme & his wife Pétronille de Château-Renard. A charter dated 1071 records that "Radulfus vicecomes filius vicecomitis
Radulfi de Lusdio" took property from Marmoutier and that he and "ipse uxor sua Agathes" were paid
not to take more[588]. "Radulfus vicecomes et uxor eius Agatha" witnessed the charter dated to [1077]
which records the settlement of a dispute between La Trinité de Vendôme and "Herveo castelli
Lavarzini domino"[589]. Her parentage is confirmed by the charter dated 5 Jan 1079 under which her
husband "Radulfus vicecomes" confirmed donations in his fief to La Trinité de Vendôme, with the
consent of "Agatha uxore sua, filia Fulconis comitis Vindocinensis"[590]. "Radulfus vicecomes"
donated the church of St Nicholas built at his castle of Montrevault to the cathedral of Angers
St Maurice, with the consent of "uxore mea Agatha et filiis meis Fulchone, Radulfo, Burchardo", by
charter dated 15/29 Jul 1095[591]. Raoul [V] & his wife had three children: a) FOULQUES de Beaumont
"Radulfus vicecomes" donated the church of St Nicholas built at his castle of Montrevault to the cathedral of Angers St Maurice, with the consent of "uxore mea Agatha et filiis meis Fulchone, Radulfo Burchardo", by charter dated 15/29 Jul 1095[592]. 1086. Vicomte de Montevrault. Brenner suggests[593] that he was the same person as Folke "den Digre" Jarl in Sweden, although the latter is named "Fulko grossus, son of Ingewaldus, son of Fulko Fölbythe the pagan" in a 14th century genealogy compiled at Varnem Abbey[594]. m ---.
The name of Foulques's wife is not known. Foulques & his wife had one child: i) ROSCELIN de Beaumont . The primary source which confirms his parentage has not yet been identified. Vicomte de
Montevrault. m PERNELLE de Beaupréau, daughter of OURI de Beaupréau & his wife ---. The primary
source which confirms her parentage and marriage has not yet been identified. b) RAOUL de Beaumont
. "Radulfus vicecomes" donated the church of St Nicholas built at his castle of Montrevault to the
cathedral of Angers St Maurice, with the consent of "uxore mea Agatha et filiis meis Fulchone,
Radulfo, Burchardo", by charter dated 15/29 Jul 1095[595]. c) BOUCHARD de Beaumont . "Radulfus
vicecomes" donated the church of St Nicholas built at his castle of Montrevault to the cathedral of
Angers St Maurice, with the consent of "uxore mea Agatha et filiis meis Fulchone, Radulfo,
Burchardo", by charter dated 15/29 Jul 1095[596].

<http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/MAI NE.htm#RaoulVIMaineMontevraultdied1095>,
accessed Mar. 25, 2013.

  Begivenheder i hans liv:

1. Beskæftigelse. Vicomte de Lude, Vicomte de Montevrault

Raoul blev gift med Agatha de Vendôme, datter af Folques de Vendome og Petronelle Chateau-Renard. (Agatha de Vendôme blev født i 1058 i Loison Meuse, Grand Est, Frankrig og døde i 1079 i Vendôme, Loir-et-Cher, Centrum, Frankrig,.)

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