Sigurd II Hlodvesson af Orkneyøerne*
Anieta Mackenneth*
Finn Arnesson Austraat*
Bergljot Halvdansdatter Stein*
Thorfinn Svarte Sigurdsson II af Orkneyøerne*
Ingebjørg Finnsdatter*
Erland Thorfinnsson af Orkneyøerne*



1. Thora Sumarlidsdottir Sida*

Erland Thorfinnsson af Orkneyøerne*

  • Født: 1050, Orkneyøerne, England
  • Ægteskab (1): Thora Sumarlidsdottir Sida*
  • Død: 1098, Trondhjem, Norge i en alder af 48 år


Orkneyøernes jarler

Paul I and Erlend II, sons of Thorfinn II, joint Jarls of Orkney and Earls of Caithness, (?) 1057 or (?) 1065-1098, when they were deposed and imprisoned by King Magnus Barelegs. "They were tall men and fair, and both more after their mother's side. They were men wise and meek." In the summer of 1066 King Harald Hardradi arrived with a fleet from Norway and raised men in Orkney for his invasion of England. He started south with one or both Jarls. He or they stayed with the ships during the battle of Stamford Bridge (25 Sep. 1066) and survived to return to Orkney with Hardradi's second son, Olaf Kyrri (King of Norway 1067-1093), their second cousin, who stayed with them for the winter. The two Jarls ruled their Earldoms peacefully in "agreement great and good", until their sons grew up and caused much trouble by their quarrels. In the spring of 1098 King Magnus III Barelegs (1093-1103), son of King Olaf III Kyrri, came with a large fleet to Orkney and deposed the two Jarls in order to give Orkney to his son Sigurd (afterwards King Sigurd Jorsalafari the Crusader) (1103/1122-1130), whom he made King of Orkney and the Isles (the Nordreys and Sudreys). They both died in captivity, Paul at Bergen and Erlend at Nidaros. The news of this was brought to King Magnus Barelegs when he reached Orkney 1099. Jarl Paul m. a dau, of Hakon Ivarsson (great-grandson through his grandmother of Jarl Hakon the Great, ruler of Norway 976-995), Captain of the Coast Defence in Denmark under King Sweyn Estrithsson (circa 1048-1050) and Jarl of the Uplands in Norway under King Harald Hardradi (circa 1054-1064), by Ragnhild (m. 1050), da, of Magnus I the Good, King of Norway (1036-1047). He had issue Hakon, afterwards Jarl, and four daughters.

Jarl Erlend m. Thora, dau. of Somerled Uspaksson, a descendant on the distaff side of Hrollaug, the brother of Jarl Turf-Einar (see ante, p. 4, note "h"), and had issue Erling, and Magnus, afterwards Jarl, and two daughters. Thora m., 2ndly, Sigurd of Paplay. [Complete Peerage, X:Appendix A:14-6]
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Yderligere partner(frille), 2 ekstra børn med

  Begivenheder i hans liv:

1. Beskæftigelse: Jarl af Orkneyøerne.

2. Bopæl, 1098, Trondhjem, Norge.

Erland blev gift med Thora Sumarlidsdottir Sida*, datter af Summarlid Ospaksson Sida* og Ukendt. (Thora Sumarlidsdottir Sida* blev født i 1061 i Orkneyøerne, England og døde i 1117 i Orkneyøerne, England.)

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